Not too far from the Cradle of Mankind is the administrative capital of South Africa.
Here the majestic Union Buildings towers over Pretoria.
This Highveld region was known for its pot still products like “witblits” and “mampoer” in earlier times. In the shade of the Union Buildings, a small microbrewery has been making quality, German-style beers since 1997.
During 2006 the master brewer, owner and manager of Drayman’s, Moritz Kallmeyer, expanded his vision.
Drayman’s, based in Silverton, now also distils, blends, and matures Scottish style malt whisky.
After ten years of brewing pure malt beer, making pure malt, pot still whisky seemed to be a natural progression. Drayman’s Brewery uses the solera process on a small scale for their Drayman’s Solera whisky.